1. Unexpected Alliance

In the expansive confines of his luxurious office, he emanated an undeniable sense of distinction. Seated behind his prestigious desk, he exuded an air of confidence that bespoke his remarkable achievements and formidable stature in the business world.

"Send them in." he instructed.

Without missing a beat, his assistant nodded.

Moments later, the door swung open, and a couple entered the room, their expressions a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

Just as the discussion was gaining momentum, Aaryansh's phone rang, interrupting the proceedings. He glanced at the caller ID and saw his mother's name flashing on the screen. With a sigh, he excused himself and stepped away to take the call.

"Yes, maa" he greeted her, his tone polite but tinged with a hint of impatience. "Is everything alright?

On the other end of the line, she wanted to discuss marriage prospects, she explained, mentioning a particular family.

"Mom, how many times do I have to tell you? I have no interest in marriage." he said, his words laced with a hint of exasperation. "Why don't you listen to me?"

"They are a good family beta" she insisted, her tone persuasive.

With a heavy sigh, he said

"I'm in a meeting right now,  I'll call you later."

With a sense of resignation, Aaryansh returned to the meeting, his mind still preoccupied with his mother's words. As the discussion continued, he found it increasingly difficult to focus, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his family's expectations.

Later that evening, as he made his way home, Aaryansh found himself greeted by the sight of his grandfather waiting for him in the foyer.

"Grandfather" he greeted him respectfully, his tone guarded.

His grandfather's eyes softened with affection as he took in Aaryansh's appearance. "My boy" he said warmly.

"Your mother told me that you've been resistant to the idea of marriage."

"I've told her countless times , I have no desire to get married..." he replied.

"I understand your reluctance." his grandfather said.

"But marriage is not just about fulfilling societal expectations. It is about companionship, about building a life with someone you care for deeply."

"And what if I never find that companionship, Grandfather?" he asked quietly, his voice betraying a vulnerability he rarely showed.

His grandfather's eyes softened with compassion as he reached out to clasp Aaryansh's hand in his own. "You are a strong and capable young man, Aaryansh." he said gently. "But even the strongest among us need someone to lean on, someone to share their joys and sorrows with. Don't close yourself off to the possibility of finding that someone."

Aaryansh's heart swelled with emotion as he absorbed his grandfather's words,

After thinking for a while,

Reluctantly, he nodded in acquiescence, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. Despite his inner turmoil, he knew that he could not bear to disappoint his beloved grandfather, whose wisdom and guidance had shaped him into the man he was today.

"I will consider it." he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "For you."

His grandfather's eyes shone with gratitude.


(After 3 weeks)

Author's POV :-

Meera scanned the adorned hall, her heart fluttering with nervous anticipation. Tonight marked a significant milestone for her family, yet beneath the facade of celebration lurked a secret burden she alone carried.

Meera's POV:-

Today is supposed to be my sister's special day, a day filled with joy and celebration. Yet, as I look around this adorned hall, I can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at my insides.

Amidst the chatter and laughter of the guests, I feel like a stranger in my own home, surrounded by familiar faces but disconnected from the festivities. Little did I know, my world was about to be turned upside down by a twist of fate I could never have anticipated.

As I looked around, I found my family giving tense look to each other . Now what happened? They are looking worried.

Although they are my parents, I never received the amount of love from them , which a child should receive from their parents. They never loved me. My mother, at times , subjected me to abuse, and my father's indifference left me feeling unwanted. However, amidst the turmoil, there was one constant source of support: my brother. He shielded me from their hurtful words, providing comfort and protection when I needed it most. His unwavering love and protection were my sanctuary, offering solace in the midst of adversity.

Looking their expressions , I can sense something wrong has happened, but what?

I approached them hesitantly sensing the gravity of the situation. As I listened to their panicked whispers, my heart sinks with each word.

"What happened?" I asked , my voice barely above a whisper, and eyes searching their faces for answers.

Author's POV:-

Their expressions darken as they turn to face her , their fear palpable in the air. "What will we do?" they lament, their voices trembling with anxiety. "If they find out that our daughter ran away from the marriage, we'll be ruined! They'll destroy us!" her mother exclaimed.

"Will you keep quiet for a minute and let me think of something or not ?" Meera's father asked Preeti (Meera's mother)

"There's no time left to think of anything Vikram . Soon the baaraat will arrive , think quickly!" Her mother said.

"Mom , what happened? Please tell me , why are you both looking so tense? And where is Aisha di ?" Meera asked her mother.

Meera's mother locks eyes with her , a calculated gleam flickering her gaze ,

"Vikram , we can do one thing."

"What?" He asked .

"We can replace Meera as the bride." Her mother replied.

"Are you mad or what? he demands , his voice tinged with frustration ,

"Are you even in your senses?

If they find out about this switch, they won't hesitate to destroy us completely.

Do you understand?"

Meera's mother takes a deep breath, her expression determined as she lays out her plan , " Listen to me , After their marriage, we'll explain everything to them." she says, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"Think about it. If we go and simply tell them that our daughter ran away, they'll surely find her, and she'll be in danger. Their reputation will be ruined, and she'll bear the consequences. But if we replace Meera as the bride, then we can explain that we did this to save their reputation, to protect their honor. It's the only way to keep her safe and salvage what's left of our dignity."

Her words hang heavy in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of their desperate situation. Meera's father looks torn, grappling with the moral implications of their plan, but ultimately nodding in reluctant agreement. "You're right maybe." he concedes, his voice laced with resignation. "We have no choice. We'll do whatever it takes to keep our daughter safe."

Meera's heart skips a beat as she processes her mother's words, the weight of their implications crashing down on her like a ton of bricks,

"What.. what are you both saying? This.. this is wrong" she stammers , her voice trembling with disbelief.

Her mother's gaze hardens, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. "Now will you teach us what's wrong and what's right, huh?" she retorts, her tone sharp with defiance.

Meera recoils at the implication, her mind reeling with the weight of her mother's words. "But... but we can't just play with someone's life like this , this is wrong" she insists, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "It's not fair to the groom.... or to me."

Her mother's gaze remains steely, devoid of any hint of empathy. "You don't have to worry about the groom, is that clear?" she says, her voice firm. "And as for you, do you think we will worry about you, huh? This importance to yourself?"

Meera's heart aches with conflict as she struggles to reconcile her own moral compass with her family's desperate situation.

Meera's POV:-

No. I can't play with someone's life like this . How will he feel ? Marriage is not some kind of joke . It's a sacred bond, a commitment for lifetimes to come. How can I betray the trust of someone ? It's a pavitra bandhan, a sacred vow, one that binds two souls together in love and respect. I can't let their desperation overshadow the sanctity of this institution. No matter the consequences, I can't sacrifice my principles for their sake.

"I'm sorry." I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil in my heart. "I can't go through with this. I won't allow myself to be a part of something so deceitful and wrong , I just can't marry someone under false pretenses, knowing that it's not what they truly want. It wouldn't be fair to the groom and...... so to me.

I can't compromise my values for the sake of something like this."

Author's POV:-

As she turns to leave from there , her mother's frustration reaches a boiling point, and without warning, her hand connects with Meera's cheek in a sharp slap. Meera staggers back, stunned by the sudden violence.

"How dare you defy us like this?" she admonishes, her tone laced with disappointment. "Do you have any idea what's at stake here? Our family's reputation, our financial security - all hanging in the balance because of your stubbornness!"

"Enough Preeti." her father said .

Meera's heart aches as she process her mother's words.

"I can't do this." she repeats, her voice firm despite the tremble in her heart.

"This stupid girl!! Ab aap hi samjhaiye isse "

(Translation ~ now you only explain it to this girl.)

Her mother said to Vikram .

"Meera, listen to me." he commands, his voice devoid of warmth or empathy. "We cannot afford to let our reputation be tarnished. Do you understand? Our family's honor is at stake here."

She flinches at her father's harsh tone, her heart sinking with the weight of his words. She knows he's right - their family's reputation hangs in the balance, and her defiance could spell disaster.

"But what about my happiness, Dad?" Meera counters, her voice trembling with emotion. "Am I supposed to sacrifice that for the sake of appearances?"

Her father's gaze hardens, his jaw set in a firm line. "This is not about your happiness." he retorts, his voice unyielding. "It's about our family's survival. You will do as we say, for the sake of our reputation."

Her heart sinks as she realizes the futility of her arguments. With a heavy sigh, she nods reluctantly, her spirit crushed by the weight of her family's expectations.

"Come with me." Preeti asked Meera to follow her .

Meera's heart aches as she follows her mother obediently, her steps heavy with resignation. She knows there's no turning back now - she's committed to this course of action, whether she likes it or not.

As they make their way to the bridal chamber, Meera's mind races with conflicting emotions.

"Go get ready fast. And don't you even dare to play smart . Is that clear ?or else you very well know what I can do.Don't you?" Her mother declared.

Meera nods silently.

(Her mother then leaves from there.)


Her hands tremble as she fumbles for her phone, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. She dials her brother's number, her breath catching in her throat as she waits for him to pick up.

But as the phone rings on the other end, her hopes begin to fade. Her brother doesn't answer, leaving her alone with her fears and doubts.

Tears well up in her eyes as she hangs up the phone, a sob escaping her lips despite her efforts to hold it back. She feels a crushing sense of loneliness, a gnawing ache in her chest as she realizes that even her own brother is out of reach.

"Where are you Rohan?"

With a heavy heart, she wipes away her tears.


On the other side

Aaryansh, who is surrounded by his family members and close friends. Despite the festive atmosphere, Aaryansh's mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the bride he's about to marry, whom he hasn't even met yet.

As he adjusts his attire in front of the mirror, his friends tease him about his impending marriage, but Aaryansh's mind is elsewhere. He can't shake the feeling of unease that has settled in the pit of his stomach, a sense of apprehension about the woman who he barely knows , will soon become his wife.

Despite his reservations, Aaryansh puts on a brave face, determined to fulfill his familial obligations with dignity and grace. Little does he know, his life is about to be irrevocably changed by the unexpected twist of fate that awaits him at the altar.


At the mandap, he sits patiently, his gaze fixed on the empty space where his bride should be. Confusion flickers in his eyes as he exchanges puzzled glances with his family members, all of whom are equally perplexed by the absence of the bride.

Meanwhile, she stands nervously on the sidelines, her heart pounding with apprehension as she watches the proceedings unfold. She knows that her presence at the mandap is a deception, a facade maintained by her family to salvage their reputation at any cost.

As the priest continues the ceremony, a hushed silence falls over the mandap as the bride finally makes her entrance. Veiled in a delicate ghunghat (veil) that conceals her features, she moves gracefully, her footsteps echoing softly against the intricately decorated floor.

His attention is immediately drawn to the ethereal figure gliding towards him, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Though he cannot see her face beneath the veil, there's an undeniable magnetism to her presence that captivates him.

As she draws closer, he feels a flutter of anticipation in his chest, a strange apprehension. He can't explain the pull he feels towards her, but there's something about her that ignites a spark of curiosity within him.

With each step she takes, the air seems to crackle with electricity, the tension mounting as the moment of revelation draws near. Aaryansh's heart pounds in his chest as he waits with bated breath, eager to catch a glimpse of the woman who will soon become his wife.

As she approaches the mandap, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he subtly leans forward, trying to catch a glimpse of her face beneath the veil. However, every time he tries, she tilts her head or adjusts her position, evading his gaze.

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips , finding her coyness both endearing and amusing. He tries again, this time with a mischievous glint in his eyes, but once again, she dodges his attempts.

Intrigued by her evasion, he feels a warm flush creep up his cheeks as he realizes he's been outsmarted by his soon to be bride. Despite not yet seeing her face, he can't deny the growing sense of anticipation building within him, eager to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the veil.

In the presence of loved ones and amidst sacred rituals, two souls unite, their hearts entwined in a bond of love and commitment, promising to navigate life's journey together with courage, trust, and devotion.


As the ceremony nears its end, Aaryansh's family, curious and eager, approaches the veiled bride with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Aaryansh's sister , playfully teasing, leans in with a mischievous smile

"Bhabhi" she says with a wink, "are you planning to keep your veil on until the wedding night? Shouldn't we all get to see your beautiful face, not just your lucky groom?"

Her words draw a chuckle from the gathered guests, but there's an underlying sense of curiosity as they await Meera's response. Aaryansh's family exchanges knowing glances, their anticipation mounting with each passing moment.

Meera, caught off guard by the playful request, hesitates.

(Phone rings)

"Excuse me." Aaryansh excuses himself from the gathering due to a phone call.

Meera's mother-in-law, sensing the opportune moment, steps forward with a determined yet hesitant expression. With a gentle yet resolute motion, she reaches out to lift Meera's veil, her action drawing gasps of surprise and bewilderment from the assembled guests.

As the veil falls away, revealing her face, a stunned silence envelops the mandap. Confusion and disbelief ripple through the crowd as they realize that she is not the bride they were expecting. Whispers and murmurs sweep through the gathering, as everyone tries to make sense of this unexpected turn of events.

(As the veil is lifted and her true identity is exposed, a wave of panic and despair washes over her. Her heart pounds in her chest, and she struggles to maintain her composure amidst the chaos unfolding around her.

Tears well up in her eyes as she searches the crowd frantically, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She feels a deep sense of guilt and remorse for the role she unwittingly played in deceiving everyone, for betraying someone's trust and playing with someone's life.

In her desperation, her thoughts turn to her brother, her anchor in times of turmoil. She longs for his presence, for his comforting embrace and wise counsel. But as she scans the crowd, she realizes with a sinking feeling that he is nowhere to be found. )

As Meera's true identity is revealed, her parents, overcome with remorse, step forward and implore Aaryansh's family to accompany them to a private room to discuss the situation. Sensing the gravity of the moment, Aaryansh's family reluctantly agrees, their expressions a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Once inside the secluded room, tension hangs heavy in the air as Meera's parents gather the courage to reveal the truth behind Meera's presence at the mandap. They explain the circumstances that led to the substitution, their voices choked with emotion as they acknowledge the pain and betrayal their actions have caused.

Aaryansh's father, his voice laced with barely contained fury, demands, "How dare you manipulate our trust and deceive us in such a manner? Do you have any idea of the consequences of your actions?"

His words hang heavy in the air, the weight of their accusation settling like a cloud over the room. Beside him, Aaryansh's mother stands resolute, her expression a mask of cold fury as she awaits an explanation.

Meera's parents, visibly shaken by the intensity of the confrontation, struggle to find the words to justify their actions. They stammer out apologies, their voices trembling with fake guilt and remorse as they try to explain the desperate circumstances that led them to make such a drastic decision.

But their apologies fall on deaf ears as Aaryansh's parents refuse to be swayed by their pleas. The betrayal cuts deep, and they make it clear that there will be consequences for Meera's family's actions.



Riya (Aaryansh's sister) made her way towards Aaryansh to discuss the situation , her steps falter when she hears the sound of soft sobbing emanating from a nearby door. Curiosity piqued, she follows the sound, her heart heavy with empathy for whoever may be in distress.

Pushing open the door, Riya steps inside and finds Meera, her eyes red-rimmed and tear-stained, sitting alone amidst the turmoil of emotions that surrounds her. Riya's heart goes out to her, and she approaches her with a mixture of concern and compassion.

"Bhabhi?" Riya says softly, her voice gentle and comforting. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?"

She looks up , her tear-filled eyes meeting Riya's with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. She hesitates for a moment, unsure whether to confide in Aaryansh's sister, but something in Riya's kind demeanor puts her at ease.

"I...I'm sorry," she stammers, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to intrude. I just needed a moment alone."

Riya nods understandingly, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay" she says gently. "Sometimes we all need a moment to ourselves, especially in times like these. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

Moved by Riya's kindness, she feels a sense of comfort wash over her. In Riya, she senses a potential ally and confidante amidst the turmoil of her new reality. And as they share a moment of understanding amidst the chaos, Meera realizes that perhaps she is not as alone as she had feared.

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