2. My Wife

"Bhabhi , agar aap abhi thoda behtar feel karri hain to chaliye aur pure parivar se mil lijiye" Riya said.

She hesitantly nods.

"Nothing will happen, don't worry"

Riya assures her .

Riya then gently takes Meera by her hand and leads her out of the room, guiding her towards the rest of the family. Meera follows her hesitantly, feeling a mix of apprehension and gratitude for the support she is receiving from her.

As they approach the gathering, Riya's family members turn to see who is accompanying her. Aaryansh's parents, noticing Meera with her, exchange a glance of acknowledgment, their expressions softened by understanding.

Despite the betrayal and deception, they recognize the young woman standing before them as a victim of her family's misguided actions.

Aaryansh's mother, her voice softened with empathy, addresses Meera directly. "Beta , come here "

Meera exchanges a nervous glance with Riya , who nods in reply.

Naina, who understands the situation of her , says

"we understand that you are innocent, we know that you are not to blame for the actions of others."

"Wo----" Preeti was cut off by Naina.

"First let me discuss the whole situation with Aaryansh." Naina declared .

Aaryansh's family then leave from there .


Meera's POV :-

I've ruined someone's life . I betrayed one's family. How can I do this ? How can I marry him when he doesn't even know me ? I betrayed him , his family, everyone. I don't deserve to be a part of this family. And this...this is just because of my so-called family! I'll never ever forgive them for this . I've suffered a lot from childhood but not anymore. I will not let them ruin my life anymore.

Just because of the fear of loosing someone, I played with someone's heart . How will he feel when he will get to know that his own bride was replaced? One more person is going to hate me to the core. Why my life is like this ? Why can't I also live like a normal person? Why no one loves me ? What did I do that everyone hates me ?

I always wanted everyone's good but what they did in return? Forget about others , when my own family never loved me throughout my life , what can I expect from others?

And today , the person who barely knows me , I cheated on him.

"I'm the problem, the problem is me."


On the other hand :-

Aaryansh stood by the window, absorbed in a phone call, his brow furrowed in concentration as he listened to the voice on the other end.

"Aaryansh" his mother called him.

He turned back and saw his mother with a tensed look on her face .

"We'll discuss it later." He muttered into the phone before ending the call and turning to face his family, a puzzled expression on his face. "Why are you all looking tense ? Is everything alright?"

His parents exchanged a hesitant glance, their expressions tense as they struggled to find the right words. "Beta, there's something we need to tell you.." his mother began, her voice betraying a hint of unease.

As they shared the truth about the deception that had been perpetrated against him, Aaryansh felt the ground shift beneath his feet. The realization that he had been betrayed by some so-called people, left him reeling with disbelief and anger.

"What the hell are you saying mom? How could they even dare to do something like this to us? He shouted

"And how could you all keep it from me for so long?" He asked

"We also got to know about this a while ago.." his mother replied.

"Who the hell do they think they are? They have to bear the consequences for this." Saying this , he left from there.

His mind was consumed by a single burning desire - to confront the person responsible for the betrayal. With each step he took , his resolve grew stronger, his determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

As he stormed into a room, his heart pounding with anticipation, he expected to find the bride's family waiting for him, ready to face the consequences of their deceit. But instead, he was met with a sight that took his breath away.

There, sitting alone in the dimly lit room, was Meera. Her shoulders were hunched, her delicate features contorted in anguish as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. In that moment, Aaryansh was struck by her raw vulnerability, her pain echoing in the depths of his soul.

Little did he know that from that moment on, his life would never be the same again.

Aaryansh's POV:-

There was a girl sitting alone amidst the shadows, her delicate frame seemed to radiate a soft, ethereal glow, casting her in an otherworldly light that left me momentarily speechless. The gentle curve of her shoulders, the graceful arch of her neck - it was as if she had stepped out of a dream and into my reality.

Her features, bathed in the gentle illumination of the room, were nothing short of exquisite. The soft curve of her lips, slightly parted as if on the verge of a sigh, beckoned to me with a silent invitation. And her eyes - They held a depth of emotion that I could scarcely comprehend, pools of warmth that drew me in with their magnetic intensity.

At that moment, I couldn't help but be struck by her sheer beauty. It was as if she were a vision of perfection, an angel descended from the heavens to grace me with her presence. And yet, there was a vulnerability in her expression, a rawness that spoke of pain and heartache.

Despite the turmoil raging within me, I found myself inexplicably drawn to her, my anger and resentment melting away in the face of her undeniable allure.

There was a resilience in her eyes, a quiet strength that spoke volumes about her character.

As I gazed upon her, I felt a stirring within me, a longing to protect her from the cruelty of the world and shield her from any harm.

Then only , the cheater-family approached me from behind , their voices filled with remorse and apology, I felt a surge of indignation rising within me. How dare they come to me now, after what they had done?

"We're sorry, Aaryansh.." (Meera's father said)

"We never meant for things to turn out this way. But Aisha ran away from the wedding, we didn't have any other option left apart from this or else both families'reputation can be ruined.

Please.. forgive us."

But their words fell on deaf ears, my heart hardened against their pleas for forgiveness.

How could they even think I'll forgive them this easily after their betrayal?

They could have informed about that runaway bitch instead of doing this type of shit.

"After what you've done, you expect me to simply forgive and forget all the things? Is this a fucking joke going on here? I shouted .

As they flinched hard , I felt a flicker of satisfaction amidst the turmoil raging within me. They deserved it .

Just then, my family arrived, their voices attempting to soothe my anger, their words falling on deaf ears. "Aaryansh, calm down.." they urged. "The wedding has already taken place, there's nothing we can do now."

But I couldn't shake the burning question from my mind. "Whom have I even married? Where is she?" I demanded, my voice echoing through the room.

Mrs. Kapoor stepped forward, looking down as she led someone towards me. And in that moment, time seemed to stand still.

What? I couldn't believe it. This angel standing before me, her eyes filled with tears, her beauty radiant even in her sorrow - she is my wife!?

Oh, yes, I was so lost in her that I didn't even notice her bridal attire?

"Aaryansh, beta, she is your wife now.." my mother said, her voice steady and firm. "There's no turning back . You have to accept her . We can't leave her, not now, not ever. She's not just your wife, she's our daughter-in-law too, and we will stand by her, no matter what."

For a moment, I felt a surge of frustration rise within me. Who the hell is even suggesting leaving her? I would never- .

Okay, I have gone nuts.

Without saying anything, I left from there , needing a moment to collect my thoughts and process the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. Stepping out into the cool night air, I took a deep breath.

"Aaryansh.." my mother called out, her voice gentle as she approached me.

"Accept her. Don't say anything to her now. Let's go home and sort things out there."

I nodded silently, understanding the gravity of her words.

It was not the time for confrontations or accusations.


Meera's POV:-

My emotions and restlessness has left me completely spellbound.

I'm feeling vulnerable right now.

How can I deceive someone?

He didn't say anything after seeing me , making me feel more vulnerable.

When he saw me , for once I saw warmth in his eyes which I had never seen in anyone's eye before, especially for me .

I was sitting alone in my room , thinking where the hell did my brother go?

Did he also run away or what?

Even my tears had run dry now.

"What's your name, dear?" Mrs.Malhotra came out of nowhere and asked me kindly, her eyes filled with warmth.

Taking a deep breath, I met her gaze and replied softly, "Meera."

"Meera, beta it's time for you to accompany us to our home. I mean it's time for the vidaai now."

As she spoke of accompanying them to their home, a sense of resignation settled over me.

Was I simply exchanging one hell for another? Would I be met with the same rejection and disdain I had experienced with my own parents? Would I become a burden, unwanted and unloved, in this new household as well?

The fear of being cast aside, of becoming nothing more than an inconvenience to those around me, gnawed at my heart. Would I ever find acceptance and belonging, or was I destined to forever wander through life as an outsider?


As the time for Vidaai arrived, my mother approached me , Leaning in close, she whispered urgently in my ear, "Don't mess up anything, understand? And Don't you even dare speak ill about us in front of them." she admonished, her words carrying a weighty warning.

Her words cut through the chaos of my thoughts, piercing straight to the core of my apprehensions. I nodded silently, my resolve stiffening as I absorbed the gravity of her instructions.

As the Vidaai concluded and I stepped out of the threshold, the scene outside unfolded like a surreal dream. Rows of luxurious cars stood in perfect alignment, each one a testament to the opulence and grandeur of the occasion. The air was filled with an aura of royalty, every detail meticulously planned and executed to perfection.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, my eyes found him - the one whom I had married, standing amidst the crowd, his expression unreadable. My heart pounded in my chest as I hesitantly made my way towards him, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

Would he be angry? Would he shout at me for the deception I had been a part of? The fear gnawed at me, threatening to engulf me in its suffocating embrace.

As I approached him, my lehenga trailing behind me like a heavy shroud, I struggled to maintain my composure. But then, to my surprise, he reached out to me , he not only took my hand but also helped me with my heavy lehenga, his touch gentle yet firm. His actions spoke volumes, conveying a sense of understanding and compassion that I hadn't dared to hope for.

The car ride to his mansion felt like an eternity, each passing moment weighed down by the heavy silence that enveloped us. Neither of us dared to speak - I, out of guilt and shame for deceiving him, and he, perhaps out of a mix of confusion and resentment.

As we finally arrived at his grand mansion, the air around us seemed to crackle with an unspoken tension. Royalty spoke for itself, the opulence of his home a stark reminder of the world he belonged to - a world I had entered under false pretenses.

As he stepped out of the car, leaving me to wrestle with the cumbersome weight of my lehenga, I felt a surge of embarrassment wash over me. The fabric seemed to have a mind of its own, tangling around my legs as I struggled to free myself from its grasp.

A guard approached, his intentions clear as he reached out to assist me. But before the guard could intervene, He stopped him with a simple gesture, his eyes fixed on mine. And then, with a silent understanding, he extended his hand towards me, offering me the support I so desperately needed.

In that moment, as I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but feel the weight of my deception pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. How could I have betrayed someone as kind and compassionate as him?

Guilt gnawed at my conscience, threatening to consume me from within. As I took his hand, allowing him to lead me into his home, I couldn't shake the feeling of unworthiness that washed over me. How could I ever make amends for the pain I had caused? How could I ever hope to earn his forgiveness?


As we entered inside, His mother approached me with a gentle smile, offering words of comfort and reassurance. Her kindness was a balm to my troubled soul, soothing the raw edges of my guilt,

"You are now a part of this family, and nothing can change that. We will stand by you, no matter what."

"From now on , we are also your family , feel free to share anything with us, dear." she said.

As I began to relax, a sharp voice pierced through the air, cutting through the warmth like a knife.

"How can you all act like nothing happened? Did you forgot that she is a replaced bride huh?" His aunt probably, appearing out of nowhere, unleashed a barrage of accusations and insults ,

her words tore through me like daggers. The weight of her scornful gaze bore down on me, suffocating me with its intensity.

Author's POV:-

His aunt continued "Such a shameless person she is! Jarur paiso ke liye ki hogi shaadi isne , kitni chaalak -----"

"ENOUGH!" Aaryansh exclaimed causing everyone to flinch hard .

In that moment, the atmosphere fell silent, the tension thick in the air. His gaze bore into his aunt's, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"Enough of your accusations and insults." he continued, his voice steady yet firm .

"Don't forget you are talking to my wife,Doesn't matter who she was before, but now she's my legally wedded wife . And I won't tolerate anyone disrespecting her.

Is that.crystal.clear?"

Amidst the chaos, amidst the harsh judgment and condemnation, one thing remained unchanged - his unwavering support to her, his hand still clasped firmly in hers. In that moment, as she looked into his eyes, she found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

After firmly putting an end to his aunt's tirade, his grip on her hand tightened, his jaw set in a steely resolve. Without a word, he led her upstairs, each step punctuated by the weight of his silent anger.

As they ascended the staircase, the tension between them was palpable, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Meera's heart raced in her chest, uncertainty gnawing at her as she followed Aaryansh's lead.

As they reached the top of the staircase, Aaryansh paused, his gaze meeting Meera's with an intensity that made her heart race. Without a word, he guided her to a room.

With a silent gesture, Aaryansh opened the door, revealing a room filled with soft hues and warm shadows. Meera's breath caught in her throat as

she stepped inside, the air heavy with anticipation.

And then, as Aaryansh closed the door behind them, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of them in the quiet sanctuary of the room.

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