3. Bed or couch?

Author's POV:-

As Aaryansh closed the door behind them, Meera's thoughts raced in turmoil. With each click of the latch, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, a silent reminder of the magnitude of her deception.

She felt as if she stood on the edge of a precipice, teetering between truth and lies, with the weight of her guilt threatening to drag her down. Images of Aaryansh taking a stand for her, going against his aunt flashed before her eyes, intensifying her feelings of remorse and regret.

With each passing moment, Meera's resolve wavered, her doubts and fears threatening to overwhelm her. She longed to turn back time, to undo the mistakes that had brought her to this moment, but she knew that such wishes were futile.


His voice cut through the stillness, firm and unwavering. She flinched at the sharpness of his tone.

His expression softened slightly as he noticed her reaction, a twinge of remorse tugging at his heart. He hadn't meant to scare her, but the gravity of the situation demanded answers.

"I want you to explain why you didn't inform me or my family about it?" His voice held a mixture of frustration and concern, his eyes searching Meera's for the truth .

Her eyes welled up with tears at his question, her emotions threatening to spill over as she struggled to find the right words. The weight of her deception hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room as she grappled with her guilt.

Seeing the tears shimmering in her eyes, he felt a pang of unease wash over him. He hadn't intended to make her cry-

"Are... are you crying?" His voice softened with concern, his instinct to comfort her overriding his own discomfort. He reached out tentatively, his hand hovering in the air before hesitantly brushing away a tear that trickled down Meera's cheek.

"I'm..... I'm sorry ..." Meera begins, her voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I should have told you the truth ...but.. but I was scared."

He listens intently, his brow furrowing with concern as he registers Meera's words. "Scared?" he prompts gently, his voice laced with curiosity. "Why were you scared?"

She doesn't reply, her words caught in her throat as tears well up in her eyes. She shakes her head slightly, unable to articulate the tumult of emotions churning within her.

Seeing her distress, he reaches out a hand, gently wiping away her tears.

"It's alright" he said, sensing her unease.

"You don't have to explain right now if you're not ready. We have time."

She nervously nods in response.

Her heart pounds in her chest, fear gripping her as she struggles to find the right words.

Aaryansh's brow furrows with understanding, but before he can say anything further, a knock interrupts their conversation, startling them both.

"Who's this?" Aaryansh's voice carries a hint of frustration as he calls out to the door.

A servant enters, stuttering slightly ,

" Maaf.. kijiye ga , wo mam ke samaan aagye thai to wahi ..dene ke liye aaya ..."

Aaryansh nods, gesturing for them to come in. "Set them up properly," he instructs, his tone firm yet composed.

Once the servants leave, Aaryansh turns back to Meera. "Go and change." he says gently, a hint of warmth in his voice. "We'll talk more later."

As Meera nods and hurries off , Aaryansh watches her retreating figure with a sense of unease. There are still so many unanswered questions between them, but for now, he knows that Meera needs time to collect herself.

Meera's POV :-

I'm feeling miserable now.

It's... it's too much. I can't take it anymore.

For the first time, ever, someone took a stand for me? Me? And what did I do? I deceived him? I... I can't explain how I'm feeling right now. I'm done with my life.

And my brother? Where is he?

Who had always been my pillar of support, is nowhere to be found, leaving me to face the consequences of my actions alone.

Author's POV:-

After changing her clothes,

She hesitantly made her way to the room, her nerves tingling with uncertainty.

As she stepped inside, she found herself alone, the room quiet and empty. Confusion clouded her thoughts as she wondered where Aaryansh had gone off to.

Shrugging off her uncertainty, she decided to make herself comfortable on the couch and get some rest.

As she settled onto the couch, she felt a pang of unease gnawing at her.

"Where did he gone?

Is he angry with me?"

The questions swirled in her mind, but she pushed them aside, too tired to dwell on them further.

Just as she was about to close her eyes,

Aaryansh's voice echoed through the room, startling her out of her thoughts.

"Why are you on the couch?" he asked .

Meera glanced up, caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

"Um... I was just going to ... sleep," she stammered.

"But the bed isn't just for show , I guess..?" he remarked, his voice tinged with teasing.

"Um... I thought..." she began, her words faltering as she struggled to find an explanation.

"Well, don't worry , I won't eat you.

You can sleep on the bed." he said.

Meera hesitated, unsure of what to make of his offer. "But... where will you sleep?" she asked, feeling a flicker of guilt at the thought of displacing him.

Aaryansh waved off her concern with a dismissive gesture.

"I'll be fine on the couch," he said casually. "Now go on, get some rest."

"But..." she hesitated

He interrupted her with a question, his words sending a shiver down her spine. "Are you going to sleep on the bed by yourself, or shall I accompany you?"

Meera's breath caught in her throat at his question, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"I... I don't know," she replied, her voice barely audible.

His lips curved into a subtle smile at her response, a mixture of amusement and understanding flickering in his eyes. He could sense her inner turmoil.

"Go then" he said, his tone gentle yet decisive,

With a hesitant nod, Meera reluctantly got up from the couch, feeling a strange mix of gratitude and apprehension.

As she settled onto the bed, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Aaryansh, who was already making himself comfortable on the couch.

"Goodnight," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper.


At 5:00 a.m.

As Aaryansh woke up early in the morning, his mind already buzzing with plans for the day, he couldn't help but pause when he caught sight of Meera sleeping peacefully in the bed. The soft light filtering through the curtains cast a gentle glow upon her features, highlighting the delicate curve of her cheek and the graceful arc of her lashes.

How angelic she looked in her slumber, he couldn't help but think, a wave of tenderness washing over him unexpectedly. It was a strange sensation, one he couldn't quite decipher.

"What's happening with me?" He thought.

Amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, one thing was clear to him – She hadn't intended to deceive him or his family. He could see it in the depths of her eyes.

Shrugging off his thoughts, he made his way downstairs.


Meera's POV:-

"Oh no, it's 9:00 am already!" I muttered to myself, my heart sinking as I realized I had overslept.

Rushing to get out of bed, I felt a pang of anxiety about facing the day, especially being late on my first day here.

As I stumbled towards the door, still half-awake, a soft knock interrupted my thoughts, causing me to jump slightly. Nervously, I opened the door, half-expecting a scolding for my lateness.

Opening it, I was relieved to find Mrs. Malhotra standing there, her gentle smile instantly easing my worries.

"Good morning, beta," she greeted me warmly, her eyes filled with kindness. "I hope you slept well.

I brought this saree for you to wear today. I thought you might like it."

Feeling a surge of gratitude, I accepted the saree with a grateful smile, thanking her sincerely for her thoughtfulness.


"Thank you aunty" I murmured gratefully .

She smiled warmly at me, her eyes twinkling with kindness.

"You're welcome, dear. I'm here to help you settle in," she replied gently.

"Is there anything you need?"

I shook my head, feeling a rush of gratitude for her understanding.

"No, thank you aunty. This is more than enough," I said sincerely.

We stood there for a moment, a comfortable silence settling between us. Then, she spoke again, her voice soft and reassuring.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're all here for you."

Touched by her words, I nodded, feeling a sense of warmth spread through me. "Thank you," I said softly, my heart swelling with gratitude for the kindness I had been shown.

With a final smile, she bid me goodbye, leaving me feeling a little lighter as I prepared to face the day ahead. As I closed the door ,  I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected kindness I had found in this new place.


Author's POV:-

(After some time)

As Aaryansh sat with his brother and sister in the grand living room, their banter filled the air with light-hearted laughter. They exchanged playful jabs and jokes, enjoying each other's company as they whiled away the time.

As meera descended the staircase,

his eyes were immediately drawn to her, captivated by the elegant drape of her saree and the subtle grace with which she carried herself.

Unbeknownst to anyone else in the room, his brother and sister exchanged knowing glances, a mischievous twinkle in their eyes as they caught sight of their brother's enamored gaze. With a playful smirk, his brother got up from his seat and approached Meera with a friendly grin.

"Bhabhii," he greeted her cheerfully, his tone teasing yet warm.

"Myself Advay , your husband's dear brother. Or should I say, the brother who got unceremoniously kicked out of his own brother's wedding in the name of 'business'."

Meera couldn't help but chuckle at his lighthearted remark, charmed by his playful demeanor.

"Nice to meet you, Advay" she replied with a smile.

Just then, Aaryansh's mother approached Meera, her gentle presence bringing a sense of calm to the room.

"Meera, dear, it's your pehli rasoi today," she began, "You'll need to make a sweet dish for everyone "

As Aaryansh's mother conveyed the task of preparing a sweet dish, Meera simply nodded in acknowledgment, her mind already buzzing with the responsibilities ahead. With a gentle smile, she retreated to the kitchen.

Alone in the kitchen, Meera couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging that had been absent in her own home .

As she began to gather the ingredients for the sweet dish, Meera found herself lost in her thoughts.

"What should I make?" She murmured to herself.

"Kheer?" A smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Yes, kheer," she decided.

As she stood in the kitchen, fully immersed in the task of preparing the kheer, her phone suddenly rang, breaking the tranquil atmosphere of the room. Startled, she glanced at the device, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" she answered tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Diii?" came the familiar voice of her brother from the other end of the line.

Meera's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her brother's voice, a mix of emotions flooding her senses. "Rohan?"

"Dii, where are you? And where's that first child of mom and dad? Why isn't she picking up my call ? Throw her, where are you? Why are you not at home?? Why mom and dad aren't telling me anything? What's happening here???"he asked.

"Where am I ?? Where were you yesterday??? Did you also runaway with your elder sister or what?" she asked angrily.

"Dii, I'm sorry. My friend had an accident due to which I had to leave abruptly. But leave this. Tell me why aren't you at home? Where are you? Did mom and dad say anything to you? Just tell me, I'll not take a min to teach them a lesson.

..............Wait! Did you say runaway???"he asked

"Explain to me, Di!! What the hell happened when I was not here?? Okay, leave all that, just tell me where you are." he asked

She remained silent, struggling to find the right words to say.

"Fine! don't tell me. I have my own ways." With that, he abruptly cuts the phone, leaving her in a state of distress.

"Now what? Uff, everything is so messed up!" She lets out a frustrated sigh, continuing to stir the kheer absentmindedly.

"How will I explain everything to him now? I hope he doesn't do anything stupid ... I'll talk to him later"


After preparing the kheer, she carefully carries the steaming pot to the dining table, where the rest of the family eagerly awaits her arrival. As she sets the kheer down, the room fills with light chatter and laughter, everyone catching up on their day.

Meanwhile, Aaryansh, who was hastily making his way towards the door, is intercepted by his mother.

"Aaryansh, beta, where are you rushing off to?" she asks, concern evident in her voice. But he brushes her off,

"Mom, not now, I'm in a hurry."

However, before he can make his escape,

Riya intervenes, teasingly remarking,

"Oh, his loss! He won't get to enjoy bhabhi's delicious kheer."

Aaryansh, caught off guard by the mention of her kheer, halts in his tracks and turns back towards the dining area. His mother chuckles softly to herself, seizing the opportunity, "Beta, why don't you stay for a while? After all, you haven't tasted her kheer yet.

Taking a moment to consider, Aaryansh finally relents,"Okay, if you say so, Mom." He takes a seat at the table.


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