8. Desire

Upon arriving at Celestial Cuisine

Aaryansh said to Sid"You go ahead. I'll join you after making a quick phone call."

"Alright, alright but don't take too long" Sid replied.

As he waited at Celestial Cuisine, tapping his foot impatiently, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath,

"This guy is slower than a sloth on tranquilizers."

As he impatiently waited for Aaryansh, he decided to give him a call.

Pulling out his phone, he squinted at the screen only to notice that some of the numbers had vanished, probably due to a cosmic formatting issue.

"God! This phone.

Anyways, I remember his number.

I'm practically a walking phone book" With a cocky grin, he punched in what he hoped was Aaryansh's number, his finger dancing across the keypad like it was the finale of a talent show.

But as he hovered over the final digit, doubt crept in him. "Was it a 5 or a 4?" He pondered, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Eh maybe 5, right?" he shrugged, opting for the bold approach and hitting the button for 5 with all the confidence

Siddharth's POV:-

As I dialed the number, there was nothing but silence on the other end.

'Well, this is an interesting conversation.'

I thought, wondering if he had somehow transformed into a master of silent communication.

Then, just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, a voice broke the silence. But it wasn't him, it was a girl's voice

"Whom am I speaking with?" I asked

"Oh, it's Thanos on the line, now care to enlighten me about your identity Mr.?" the person on the other end replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm thicker than the chutney on a samosa.

Thanos? Who talks like that? She's rude.

"Well, if you're Thanos, then I must be... Captain Underpants!" I shot back.

What the fuck did I say in flow flow?

After my playful response, there was a moment of stunned silence on the other end before the girl's voice erupted with incredulity. "What the fuck? You high or something ?"

But before I could retort , she already cut the call.

Hello? No one cuts the call on my face!

"You ordered ?" He arrived, finally.

"Aagye maharaj? Phone call karne gaye thai ki phone banane gaye thai?"  I asked.

"Shut up Sid" He replied , as usual.


Aaryansh's POV:-

As we settled into our seats and placed our orders, he said, "I'm coming!"

I nodded in response.

I scanned the bustling restaurant, and my eyes inadvertently landed on her.

"She's here?" I thought to myself, a flicker of surprise igniting within me. She was sitting alone, her gaze wandering aimlessly, a solitary figure amidst the lively atmosphere.

"Waiting for someone, perhaps?" I speculated, my curiosity piqued by her lone presence.

A wave of admiration washed over me as I noticed the way the soft lighting accentuated her features, casting a subtle glow around her.

Even in a simple outfit, she looked absolutely stunning, her elegance shining through effortlessly.

(Her outfit)

"She's looking absolutely beautiful" I mused to myself, momentarily captivated by her presence, a smile spreading across my face as I admired her beauty from a distance.

As I considered making my move, an idea crossed my mind.

"Why not go and surprise her?" I thought with a twinkle in my eye, envisioning the delight that would light up her face when she saw me unexpectedly appear by her side.

Just as I was about to make my move, fate intervened in the form of her friend's unexpected arrival.

With a sigh , I turned on my heel, hoping to avoid any awkward encounters.

"Does her friend really have to show up right now?" I grumbled inwardly.

Just as I  settled into my seat , Sid arrived, brimming with his usual energy.

After a few moments,

"Oh, look, pretty bhabhi is here" he remarked, nudging me with an elbow.

My gaze shifted slightly as I acknowledged her presence with a nonchalant "hmm."

"Heyy, let's go to pretty bhabhi" he suggested.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his antics.

"Can't you just call her 'bhabhi'?"

I retorted, feeling a twinge of irritation at his nickname for her.

His response was typically dramatic.

"Hawww, you mean to say she's not pretty ? I'll be sure to let her know"

he teased, pretending to be offended.

"Shut up, of course she's pretty but..." I trailed off, finding it difficult to articulate my feelings..

Before I could say anything else, he was already changing the subject.

"Alright, let's go to pretty bhabhi" he declared, eager to make his move.

I glanced over at her table and noticed she was engrossed in conversation with her friend.

"Hold on, can't you see she's with her friend?" I pointed out.

He shrugged nonchalantly.

"So what? You're her husband, it's not like we're strangers" he reasoned, completely unfazed by my reluctance.

"Just sit here silently." I retorted.


Author's POV:-

As they finished their meal and headed outside, Sid accidentally bumped into someone.

"Don't you have eyes?" the girl he bumped into snapped.

Sidharth, feeling irked by her tone, retorted, "Maybe if you weren't standing in the middle of the walkway."

The girl, revealed to be Aanya, Meera's friend, narrowed her eyes at his response.

"Watch where you're going next time." she shot back, her tone sharp.

Sid bristled at her words. "Huh? I don't need advice from someone who can't even stay out of the way" he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Just then, Meera arrived on the scene, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw Aaryansh and Sid there

Aaryansh shot Sid a menacing glare. "Stop it! Look what you've gotten us into now." he growled, clenching his fists at his side.

"Like it was my mistake" he replied.

Meera leaned closer to Aanya,

"What's going on?" she asked quietly, her tone laced with concern.

Aanya sighed, her frustration evident. "Nothing, he bumped into me" she replied in an equally hushed tone, her irritation palpable.

Meera's brow furrowed in confusion.

"It must have been a mistake" she whispered back, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Hello, if it was a mistake, he should apologize, shouldn't he?" she replied.

Sid fired back, "If it was a mistake, then you should accept the apology."

Meera, feeling awkward, apologized to Aaryansh on Aanya's behalf, giving him a meaningful look.

Aaryansh, catching the look, approached her and said, "No, no, it was his fault anyways"

After pausing for a moment,

"Hmm , looks like we've stumbled upon a bit of a spectacle, haven't we?" he remarked with a playful twinkle in his eye, his gaze shifting to her.

She nodded

He leaned in closer, his voice soft and teasing. "Well, lucky for me, I have the most beautiful lady by my side to navigate through it all" he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

Her heart fluttered at his words, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red as she struggled to maintain her composure.

"It was your mistake!" Sid's voice suddenly boomed

"Well, no, it was yours!" Aanya retorted, her tone sharp and defiant.

"Aanya, it was by mistake, let it go" Meera urged gently

"Sid, leave it , how much longer are you going to keep arguing with her?" Aaryansh whispered

Sid, sensing Meera's discomfort, reluctantly backed down.

"Let's just drop it." he conceded, his tone begrudging.

Not wanting to further exacerbate the situation, he motioned for Aaryansh to follow him as he made his way out

As they walked away, Aaryansh cast a reassuring glance back at her.

"What an argumentative person he was!" Aanya remarked, rolling her eyes

"As if you simply apologized to him, right?" Meera retorted.

"Yeah yeah, now can we enjoy the rest of the day? I've also texted our little troublemaker, he's on his way , so let's go" Aanya replied.


At 6:00 p.m.

In the evening, Aaryansh picks up his phone and dials his mom's number. As the phone rings, he waits for her to pick it up.

"Yes, beta, What happened?" She asks

"Maa, I wanted to let you know that I'll be arriving home late tonight.

Some of my colleagues have arranged a get-together, so, I need to go there"

he replied

"Oh, alright, beta. uhm.... Why don't you take Meera along with you? she suggests

He pauses for a moment, considering her suggestion.

"Hmm, Nice idea." he spoke under his breath .

"Haan?" She asks, not hearing him properly.

"Nothing Mom, can you ask her to get ready by 8 ?" he asked

"Oh okay" she replied.


Meera's POV:-

I was sitting in the room, engrossed in my work on the laptop, when I heard a gentle knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to find Maa standing there.

"What happened maa?" I asked, a hint of concern in my voice.

"Beta, there's a get-together arranged by Aaryansh's friends, and he wants you to accompany him there. Is that fine?" She explained gently

What? Get-together? And Me?

"Beta?" Her voice broke through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present.

"H-- I mean... okay" I stammered

"Okay, beta" she replied with a warm smile. "I'll ask Riya to help you get ready. It'll be fun, don't worry."

With a nod, I watched her leave.

Why would he want me to go with him? Where is it? Why is it even? How will I even socialize with his friends? Do they even know me? What if they don't like me?

"Bhabhii" Riya came in, her voice broke through my thoughts , her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I returned her smile, but inside, I was still pondering over what to do about the party

"Bhabhi, what are you gonna wear for the party?" She asked eagerly, her voice filled with anticipation.

I hesitated, unsure of what to say. "Uhm... I've not decided yet.." I replied , feeling a bit flustered.

What should I wear? And what's even the theme of the party? He should've atleast informed me of these details.

"Acha ... Bhabhi, I have a wonderful dress for you" she exclaimed, her eyes lightingup with excitement.

"Come, let me show you."

With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, I followed her, hoping that her dress suggestion would alleviate some of my worries about the evening ahead.


"Bhabhi, this!" She exclaimed, holding up a beautiful dress that sparkled under the light.

I looked at the dress, It was stunning, but ...would it be suitable for the occasion?

She seemed to sense my hesitation and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, bhabhi, you'll look absolutely gorgeous in this" she said with a warm smile.

Her words eased some of my doubts,

I nodded, mustering up a small smile. "Okay " I replied

She beamed with excitement and ushered me towards the dressing room. "Now let's get you ready!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.


Time skip

Author's POV:-

As Aaryansh arrived at the mansion to pick her up, anticipation fluttered in his chest. Stepping into the room, his breath caught in his throat as he laid eyes on her. She stood there, a vision of beauty in her elegant black dress, captivating him with her presence.

(Her outfit)

He couldn't help but admire her appearance, his gaze lingering on her figure as she stood before him. The black dress she wore accentuated her curves in all the right places.

Her flowing hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face in a way that made his heart race. Every aspect of her seemed to exude an irresistible charm, her innocent expression juxtaposed with an undeniable sense of allure.

He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, mesmerized by the way the fabric hugged her curves, accentuating her delicate silhouette. Her eyes, pools of liquid amber, held a depth that drew him in, leaving him breathless with longing.

As his eyes trailed down her collarbone, which was exposed, he felt a sudden heat wash over him. His mouth went dry as he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her , the subtle curve of her drawing him in like a magnet

His body reacted instinctively, heat spreading through him as he fought to control his impulses , he felt a primal urge to lose himself in the enchantment of her presence

In that moment, he also felt grateful for the twist of fate that had brought her into his life.

With every passing moment, he found himself falling deeper under her spell, his senses consumed by the intoxicating allure of her beauty.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he tore his gaze away from her, his mind filled with conflicting emotions.

He reached into his pocket, retrieving something he had brought for her.

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