11. Embrace of Serenity

Author's POV:-

Aaryansh tightened his grip as she again tried to wriggle away. "Not again." he murmured firmly, their bodies colliding.

Without missing a beat, he swept her up in bridal style, his strength effortlessly lifting her. "No more escape attempts allowed." he said , leading her towards their car.

She laughed gleefully. "I'm flyingggggg!" she exclaimed in a childish tone, her voice filled with exhilaration as he carried her.

He chuckled at her excitement.

As they reached their car, the driver hurriedly stepped out and opened the door for them.

Aaryansh carefully settled her into the seat, making sure she was comfortable.

As he settled into the car beside her, he couldn't shake off the sense of unease as he observed her unpredictable behaviour. The driver started the car upon his command, and for a while, there was a silence.

Suddenly, she shouted at the top of her lungs, "ORDER ORDER ORDER!" causing the driver to jump on his seat

"Now what?" Aaryansh asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement as he turned to look at her.

She met his gaze with a dangerous glint in her eyes, then broke into a mischievous smile and wrapped her arms around him in a sudden hug.

He froze, completely shocked by her sudden hug, unsure of how to react.

His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation as he remained motionless, caught off guard by her unexpected action

As she hugged him more tightly, she exclaimed in a drawn-out, exaggerated tone, "I wanttttt too sleeppppp!"

Suddenly, she pulled away from the hug, her eyes locking onto his with a mischievous glint.

"What now?" He asked

Without warning, she tugged him closer, surprising him with her sudden boldness. Before he could react, she plopped her head onto his lap, snuggling up to him as if he were the comfiest pillow in the world.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he felt her weight settle against him, her arms wrapping around his waist in a snug embrace. He was beyond shocked,

completely unprepared for this unexpected turn of events.

"What are you doing ?" he managed to stammer out, his voice betraying him

She looked up at him with a sleepy grin, her eyes half-closed in contentment. "Using my Mr.Husband as my pillowwww" she declared with a giggle, snuggling even closer to him as if to emphasize her point.

He was shocked, his mind struggling to process the surreal situation he found himself in. But as he looked down at her peaceful expression, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Her peaceful expression softened the edges of his uncertainty, and he found himself mesmerized by the serene calm that enveloped her as she drifted off into sleep.

Her features, which was animated with mischief and laughter, were now relaxed and serene, her lips curved into a faint smile. The soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window illuminated her delicate features, casting a ethereal aura around her.

Unable to resist the urge to hold her close, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. She responded by snuggling into him even more tightly, her head coming to rest near his face.

He watched her in silence, taking in every detail of her sleeping form. Her tousled hair framed her face like a halo, and the faint blush of her cheeks made her look even more angelic.

Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead

As he pressed his lips gently against her forehead, a wave of realization crashed over him. He cursed himself silently for acting on impulse, for allowing his emotions to override his better judgment. What had he been thinking, kissing her while she slept?

But before he could dwell on his mistake, he felt her stir slightly beneath him. His heart skipped a beat as he feared she might wake up and catch him in the act. To his relief, however, she snuggled closer to him, seeking solace and comfort in his embrace.

As he felt her snuggle closer to him, he couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at him for his impulsive gesture. With a gentle sigh, he leaned in closer to her ear, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Sorry," he murmured softly, the word heavy with sincerity and regret.

It was a simple apology, but it carried the weight of his remorse for crossing the boundary he shouldn't have.

Despite his apprehension, she remained undisturbed, her breathing steady and calm. He hoped she hadn't heard him, fearing that his apology might disrupt her peaceful slumber. But as he looked down at her, he saw no sign of awakening, only the serene expression of someone lost in dreams.

With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes once more, hoping that his whispered apology would be enough to mend the breach he had inadvertently created.

With a soft sigh of relief, he allowed himself to relax, a smile lingering on his lips despite the turmoil of his thoughts. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to bask in the warmth of her presence,

In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of her, He felt a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite his earlier misgivings, he couldn't deny the overwhelming happiness that filled his heart at being so close to her.

As he drifted off to sleep, he held her tightly in his embrace, feeling her weight above him as they lay entwined, while she felt a sense of safety and comfort in his embrace , his arms were as if her sanctuary, offering protection and warmth she had longed for.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted into the realm of dreams, entwined in a tender embrace.

As the car pulled up to the mansion, the driver cleared his throat hesitantly, trying to rouse Aaryansh from his peaceful slumber. "Sir ji," he began tentatively, "Aagye humlog mansion mein."

As he stirred awake slowly, rubbing his eyes groggily , he found her sleeping peacefully in his arms, her head nestled against his chest. A tender smile graced his lips as he gently attempted to lay her aside, intending to step out of the car and pick her up properly. But as he moved, she instinctively snuggled into him even more, emitting a soft murmur of protest.

He chuckled softly at her adorable reaction, realizing that she was not yet ready to let go of their embrace. With a tender touch, he carefully scooped her up in a bridal style, ensuring that she remained undisturbed in her slumber.

Silently, he made his way out of the car, his steps light and careful as he navigated towards the mansion entrance. With each step, he held her close, savoring the warmth of her body against his.

As they entered the mansion, she stirred awake with a cute yawn, blinking sleepily as she realized her surroundings. He smiled down at her, remarking "Awake already? Sleep, it's still night."

She groggily mumbled in response, "Mmmph, where are we?"

"In our home," he replied softly, guiding her inside. "Now, rest."

But instead of complying, she protested in a half-asleep state, insisting,

"Nooo, put me down! I want to walk myself"

He chuckled to himself at her sleepy determination, knowing full well that she was in no state to walk on her own.

He shook his head, "No. You'll run, I know" he said.

Her eyes widened in innocence as she protested, "Noooo I will not, pakka."

"I know you will" he countered with a grin.

She pouted in, shaking her head   "Noooo, I will not, I promise" she insisted, her words slurred with sleep.

He raised an eyebrow ,"Promise?"

She nodded cutely in response, her eyes wide with innocence.

As he carefully set her down, she began to look around the room, her gaze darting here and there before finally settling on him.

He felt a sense of curiosity as she stared at him intently for a good minute.

"Now what, miss?" he asked.

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