12. The punch

Author's POV:-

As he carefully set her down, she began to look around the room, her gaze darting here and there before finally settling on him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity as she stared at him intently for a good minute.

"Now what, miss?" he asked, bemused by her sudden scrutiny.

Before he could get a response, she flashed him a mischievous smile and suddenly dashed away again, giggling uncontrollably but he swiftly caught her, pulling her back towards him

"Not so smart." he teased.

She made a disappointed face, but he didn't relent. "Now no more mischief, quietly come with me" he said, trying to sound authoritative.

But she shook her head vigorously, accusing him of trickery.

"You cheated!" she protested, pointing an accusatory finger.

Arching an eyebrow, he feigned innocence. "When did I cheat? Just come quietly" he insisted

But she remained defiant, shaking her head adamantly. "No, I will not go anywhere, this is cheating." she declared, crossing her arms.

As she adamantly shook her head, he sighed, realizing he needed to take matters into his own hands. "So you won't come?" he questioned, hoping for a change of heart.

But she remained resolute, "No" she declared firmly.

He let out another sigh, understanding that persuasion wasn't going to work in this situation. "Think again." he suggested, attempting one final appeal.

However, she shook her head once more, her determination unwavering.

"Fine then." he relented, with a swift motion, he scooped her up onto his shoulder.

She gasped in surprise, her laughter bubbling up as she found herself lifted off the ground.

"Yayy, I'm flyingggggg again!" she exclaimed playfully

He carried her to their room, her giggles still echoing in the air, and gently settled her onto the bed. With a fond smile, he pulled the blanket over her, ensuring she was comfortable.

But as he tried to tuck her in, she resisted, her determination evident as she declared, "No, I will not sleep."

Surprised by her sudden defiance, he paused, his confusion evident in his furrowed brow. "Why?" he asked, genuinely puzzled by her reluctance to rest.

But Meera, undeterred by his inquiry, grasped his hand firmly and pulled him down to sit beside her on the bed.

"I want to play, play with me." she insisted

He sighed, torn between amusement and exasperation at her persistence.

"At this time? We'll play tomorrow, now sleep" he reasoned, attempting to coax her back under the covers.

But she had other ideas. With a determined shake of her head, she removed the blanket and stood defiantly next to him.

"No!" she declared firmly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

"Yes." he countered firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

But she was not to be swayed.

"I said NO!" she insisted, her voice rising with each repetition of the word.

"And I ordered YES!" His voice also rising with each repetition of the word.

"And I declared NO!" She declared firmly

With a sigh of resignation, he realized that reasoning with her right now would be futile. "Not a word now, just sleep." he instructed, gently guiding her back onto the bed.

But she refused to comply, her protests growing louder with each passing moment. "No no no no no no no" she repeated, her tone bordering on defiance.

After pausing for a while , suddenly she said "I'll sleep only on one condition." her eyes locking onto his with unwavering intensity.

He sighed, knowing he needed to convince her somehow. "Please, You'll feel better in the morning if you get some rest now" he pleaded, hoping to appeal to her sense of reason.

She paused, considering his words for a moment before suddenly pulling him into a tight hug, catching him off guard.

"Okiiieeee, as you say, Mr.Husband"

His eyes widened in surprise as she leaned in to kiss his cheek then hugged him tightly before pulling away.

With a playful gesture, she indicated for him to return the favor, placing a finger on her cheek expectantly. Meanwhile,

he remained in a state of shock, his mind struggling to process anything.

"Mr.Shock, where are you lost? Kiss me too!" Her voice brought him back to reality, but he struggled to comprehend her request. "Huh? What?" he asks.

"I said kiss me too, Mr. Deaf." she said, her tone playful as she awaited his response.

"Me?" He questioned, feeling utterly bewildered by her boldness

"Then who?" She countered, her expression innocent yet mischievous

Thinking quickly, he managed to regain his composure and flashed her a lopsided grin."uhm.. How about this? If you go to sleep now, I promise to give you plenty of kisses tomorrow. Deal?"

She paused, considering his offer, her gaze meeting his as she weighed the proposition. After a moment of contemplation, she looked into his eyes with a hint of mischief.

"Pakka?" she asked, seeking reassurance.

"Pakka." he confirmed, his tone firm yet playful.

Satisfied with his response, she flashed him a bright smile, her playful demeanor softened by a hint of warmth. "Deal!"

With that, he tucked her into bed once more, feeling relieved that he had managed to diffuse the situation.

As he gently laid her on the bed, she looked up at him with drowsy eyes and whispered, "Mr. Hubby, you know ?

you are so sweeeet."

"Only for you" he replied, before gently stroking her cheek, his touch filled with tenderness.

A smile tugged at her lips on his response , she took his hand in hers and placed it below her face, snuggling into his touch as she drifted off to sleep.

Watching her peaceful figure, a fond smile graced his lips, his heart swelling with love for the woman who had stolen his heart. Yet, amidst the tranquility of the moment, a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes.

"Tomorrow I'll be taking my revenge.

Get ready, wifey." he murmured playfully.


The Next day,

at 7:00 a.m

He wakes up with a start. As he sits up on the couch, his eyes fall upon her, who is still asleep, her hair cascading gently over her pillow, and a serene expression adorning her face.

However, he notices with a chuckle that she's sleeping in a rather funny position, her legs entangled in the blanket and one arm flung over her head.

After chuckling at her amusing sleeping position, he decides to get up.

He carefully adjusts the blanket around her, making sure she stays snug and cozy before heading to the washroom to freshen up for the day ahead.

After freshening up, he returns to the room and finds her still sleeping peacefully. Remembering that she had been drunk the previous night, he realizes she might have a hangover when she wakes up. Wanting to ease her discomfort, he decides to prepare some lemon juice for her.

After preparing the lemon juice for her, he enters the room and finds her still sleeping peacefully. He sighs, realizing he has to disturb her peaceful slumber. Carefully balancing the tray of lemon juice and the pancakes he made for her on the side table, He approaches her bedside and gently shakes her shoulder. "Sleepyhead, wake up" he says softly, trying to rouse her gently.

"It's time to wake up" he continued.

But she remains completely unfazed by his attempts to rouse her.

He tries again, this time speaking a little louder. "It's morning. Time to wake up" he says, his voice still gentle.

But she merely rolls over and pulls the covers over her head, her expression peaceful and undisturbed.

As he gently tugs on the blanket, she stirs, her hands flailing wildly.

Suddenly, her fist connects with his unsuspecting face with a soft thud.

"Ouch!" He exclaims, rubbing his nose where her punch landed.

"SHE PUNCHED ME THIS TIME!" he says incredulously, holding his nose with a bewildered expression

Meera, still half-asleep, mutters something unintelligible and rolls back over, completely unfazed by her attack.

He winces as he rubs his sore nose.

He then lets out a dramatic shout, "Meeraaaaaa!"

Startled awake, she bolts upright, her eyes wide with terror. "Aa- what happened? What happened? Kya hua?" she panics, scanning the room for any signs of danger

"You broke it" he says teasingly, rubbing his nose.

"Haan?" She says, concern evident in her voice. "Aapki naak ko kya hua?" She asked worriedly

(Translation ~ What happened to your nose?)

"Aapne tod diya" he replied, still rubbing his nose.

(Translation ~ You broke it)

"Haan? Maine??" She asks incredulously, now fully awake.

( Translation ~What? Me??)

"Ji haan aapne, mai to aapko sirf jaga raha thaa, aap to haata-pai pe utar aayin" he replied

(Translation~Yes, you. I was just waking you up, but you were ready to start a fight)

Her panic intensifies as she helps him sit on the bed. "Kya?? Oh no, I'm-- I'm.. so sorry, Rukiye, dikhaiiye" she says frantically, searching for a handkerchief to tend to his 'injured' nose.

(Translation~ What?? Oh no , I'm..so sorry, wait, show me your nose)

Once she finds a handkerchief, she carefully dabs at his nose, inspecting it for any signs of damage.

"Dard ho raha hai?" she asks, her worry evident in her voice as she tries to assess the extent of the 'injury.'

(Translation ~ is it paining?)

"Jii" he says, looking into her eyes with an innocent expression.

(Translation ~ yes )

"I'm so sorry, please maaf kijiyega hame" she says, her concern genuine.

(Translation ~ Please forgive me)

He gazes at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Wese.. ek aur jagah lagi hai" he says, unable to resist teasing her.

(Translation ~ By the way , I've been hurt in one more place.)

She feels a pang of guilt, her heart sinks as she realizes she has unintentionally hurt him in one more place. "Kaha..pe?"

She asks , her worry deepening

(Translation~ where..?)

He gestures to his cheek with a grin. "Yaha pe " he says, enjoying her reaction.

(Translation ~ here. )

Her eyes widen in horror as she realizes the extent of her accidental assault.

"Did... I...?" she stammers, her hands flying to her mouth in shock.

He nods, his innocent expression making her feel even more guilty. "I'm... so... sorry," she stammers, her voice trembling with guilt.

As she offers her apologies, he can't help but tease her further.

"If you want, you can soothe this pain"

he suggests innocently.

Confusion and concern cloud her expression as she tries to comprehend what he means. "Kese?" she asks hesitantly, her hand subconsciously reaching out to touch his cheek.

He locks eyes with her, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"Kiss me." he says boldly, pulling her closer by her waist and causing her to gasp in surprise.

"H-haan?" She stutters, her mind struggling to process the situation, her hands instinctively finding their place on his chest.

He playfully tugs her onto the bed, ending up above her. "Yes. Why? Don't you remember yesterday's stunt?" he teases

As she recalls the events of the previous night, a flush of embarrassment creeps up her cheeks. Each memory, from the playful hug to the impromptu street chase to the innocent kiss, drifting off to sleep on his lap and even the courage to ask him for a kiss , floods her mind with vivid clarity.

Gulping nervously, she can't help but feel a mix of amusement and embarrassment at her own antics. She closes her eyes briefly, trying to shake off the embarrassment as she realizes how bold she had been in her drunken state.

Her cheeks flush crimson as she opens her eyes to find him gazing at her with a playful twinkle in his eye. Despite her attempts to suppress her embarrassment, the memories of their playful interactions from the previous night flood back to her mind.

"I... I.. remember..." she stammers.

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